Ace the Test: California DMV's Alcohol and Drugs MCQs Simplified

If you are preparing for the DMV driving license Knowledge Test in California or you want to pass your license renewal test on the first try, you will want to study the DMV handbook in depth.  To pass the DMV Knowledge Test in the first attempt, you must study each section of the DMV Handbook very deeply and then attempt practice tests on each section of the Handbook.  You can practice all the important questions in this article post on Section 9 Alcohol and Drugs of California DMV Handbook.

California DMV Alcohol and Drugs

Let's Practice These Questions on Section 09: Alcohol and Drugs (Ca DMV Handbook)

Question: 1. In California, it is illegal to drive under the influence of:

a) Alcohol or drugs only.

b) Alcohol, drugs, or any combination that impairs your driving ability.

c) Prescription drugs only.

Correct Answer : b) Alcohol, drugs, or any combination that impairs your driving ability.


California's DUI laws apply to any substance that affects your ability to drive safely, including alcohol, illegal drugs, and prescription medications.

Question: 2. Which of these statements is true about drugs and driving?

a) Any prescription drug is safe to use if you don't feel drowsy.

b) Even over-the-counter drugs can impair your driving.

c) Only illegal drugs can impair your driving.

Correct Answer: b) Even over-the-counter drugs can impair your driving.


Legal prescription and over-the-counter drugs can impair your ability to drive, including drugs taken for colds, hay fever, allergies, or to calm nerves or muscles. It is illegal to drive while under the influence of any drug that impairs your ability to drive safely; this law does not differentiate between illegal, prescription, or over-the-counter drugs.

Question: 3. The legal BAC limit in California for drivers over 21 years old is:

a) 0.01%

b) 0.04%

c) 0.08%

Correct Answer : c) 0.08%


Drivers over 21 years old can be arrested for DUI if their BAC is 0.08% or higher.

Question: 4. If you are under 21 years old in California, the legal BAC limit is:

a) The same as for drivers over 21 (0.08%).

b) 0.01%.

c) There is no legal BAC limit for drivers under 21.

Correct Answer : b) 0.01%.


Drivers under 21 years old in California have a zero-tolerance policy for alcohol. Any BAC level of 0.01% or higher can result in a DUI arrest.

Question: 5. If you are convicted of a DUI in California, you may be required to:

a) Complete a DUI program.

b) Install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle.

c) Both a and b.

Correct Answer : c) Both a and b.


The penalties for a DUI conviction in California can vary depending on the circumstances, but they may include mandatory DUI program completion, ignition interlock device installation, driver's license suspension, fines, and jail time.

Question: 6. It is illegal to drink alcohol or smoke cannabis in a vehicle in California if you are:

a) The driver.

b) A passenger.

c) Both driver and passenger.

Correct Answer : c) Both driver and passenger.


California's open container laws prohibit drinking alcohol or smoking cannabis in a vehicle, regardless of whether you are the driver or a passenger. The container must be sealed and unopened if it is being transported in the vehicle.

Question: 7. The first thing that alcohol affects is:

a) Vision.

b) Judgement.

c) Balance.

Correct Answer: b) Judgement.


Alcohol reduces all of the important abilities you need to drive safely. Alcohol goes from your stomach to your blood, then from your blood to all other parts of your body. Alcohol affects the areas of your brain that control judgement and skill.

Question: 8. What is the only medically proven method of removing alcohol or other drug combinations from your system?

a) Breathe in some fresh air.

b) Give your body time.

c) Drink coffee.

Correct Answer: b) Give your body time.


Alcohol takes effect quickly and is slow to leave your system. Cold showers, black coffee, and exercise will do nothing to reduce a person's blood alcohol content (BAC). The only way to lower your BAC is to wait.

Question: 9. How long can your driving privilege be delayed or suspended if convicted of operating a bicycle under the influence for individuals aged 13 to 20?

a) 6 months

b) 1 year

c) 2 years

Correct Answer: b) 1 year.

Question: 10. How long does a DUI conviction stay on your driver's record in California?

a) 5 years.

b) 10 years.

c) It remains permanently on your record.

Correct Answer : b) 10 years.


A DUI conviction will remain on your driving record in California for 10 years. This can have implications for future insurance rates, employment opportunities, and other areas of your life.

Question: 11. You are driving in California after taking a prescribed pain medication that makes you drowsy. You feel safe to drive because you took it exactly as directed by your doctor. Can you be arrested for DUI?

a) No, as long as you took the medication as prescribed.

b) Yes, if your driving is impaired by the medication, even if you took it as directed.

c) Only if you are pulled over for another traffic violation.

Correct Answer : b) Yes, if your driving is impaired by the medication, even if you took it as directed.


California's DUI laws apply to any substance that impairs your ability to drive safely, regardless of whether it is legal or prescribed. If your medication affects your alertness, coordination, or judgment, you can be arrested for DUI even if you followed your doctor's instructions.

Question: 12. Can you drink alcohol or take drugs while operating a boat in California?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Only on weekends

Correct Answer: B) No


it is illegal to drink alcohol or take drugs when operating a boat.

Question: 13. If convicted of a DUI, what additional penalty might you face if you get another DUI during the next 10 years?

a) Longer jail time

b) Additional fine

c) DMV or court-imposed penalty

Correct Answer: C) DMV or court-imposed penalty.

Question: 14. You are convicted of your first DUI offense in California. What are some mandatory elements you can expect in your sentencing?

a) Jail time is always required for a first DUI conviction.

b) You must complete a DUI program and pay fines.

c) You will likely lose your car and face public humiliation.

Correct Answer : b) You must complete a DUI program and pay fines.


While the specific penalties for a DUI conviction can vary, there are some mandatory elements in most cases. These typically include completing a court-ordered DUI program, paying fines, and potentially serving probation. Other consequences like jail time, ignition interlock device installation, and higher insurance rates may also be imposed depending on the circumstances.

Question: 15. You are a rideshare driver in California and are pulled over on suspicion of DUI. Which BAC limit applies to you?

a) 0.08%, like regular drivers.

b) 0.04%, the same as commercial drivers.

c) 0.00%, a zero-tolerance policy for passenger transport.

Correct Answer : b) 0.04%, the same as commercial drivers.


California has stricter BAC limits for individuals operating vehicles used for commercial purposes, including rideshare drivers. As such, the legal limit for rideshare drivers is 0.04%, lower than the standard 0.08% for regular drivers.

Question: 16. You are caught driving with an open container of beer in your car, even though you haven't been drinking yourself. Is this a violation of California's DUI laws?

a) No, as long as you're not intoxicated.

b) Yes, any open container in the passenger compartment is illegal.

c) Only if the container is within reach of the driver.

Correct Answer : b) Yes, any open container in the passenger compartment is illegal.


California's open container laws prohibit having open containers of alcohol in the passenger area of a vehicle, regardless of whether the driver or passenger is consuming it. The container must be sealed and unopened if transported inside the vehicle.

Question: 17. You are unsure whether you are sober enough to drive after consuming alcohol. What is the safest course of action?

a) Take a quick self-assessment and trust your judgment.

b) Drive slowly and carefully, being extra cautious on the road.

c) Avoid driving altogether and find alternative transportation.

Correct Answer : c) Avoid driving altogether and find alternative transportation.


When in doubt, always prioritize safety. It's impossible to accurately assess your own impairment level after consuming alcohol. The safest option is to avoid driving altogether and opt for alternative transportation like a taxi, rideshare, or designated driver. Never risk putting yourself and others in danger by driving under the influence.

Question: 18. You witness a suspected DUI driver swerving on the road and endangering others. What should you do?

a) Pull over and confront the driver yourself.

b) Ignore it and continue on your way.

c) Pull over safely and call 911 to report the driver.

Correct Answer : c) Pull over safely and call 911 to report the driver.


Witnessing a potential DUI driver is a serious situation. Do not attempt to intervene or confront the driver directly. Instead, prioritize your own safety and that of others. Pull over to a safe location and call 911 immediately, providing the dispatcher with a detailed description of the vehicle and its location. This allows law enforcement to intervene and prevent a potential accident.

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